Japanese Name Generator: Generate Realistic Japanese Names

1. Please enter the relevant information on the left
2. Click the Generate button

Japanese Name Generator is an online AI name generator that uses common Japanese surnames and given names, as well as rules and patterns based on the Japanese language and culture to generate names. Japanese names consist of two parts, a surname and a given name, such as Yamada Taro . The naming method for Japanese names is very unique, often determined by factors such as seasons, plants, animals, colors, and character traits, making Japanese names meaningful and leaving a lasting impression. With the Japanese Name Generator, you can easily generate Japanese names and choose options like gender, surname, and name type (common or rare). The generated names are highly authentic and are suitable for use as virtual character names or for novels, games, and other creative projects.

Japanese Name Generator Features:

  • Generate Japanese names: Users can choose options like Japanese surname generator, Japanese last name generator, and name types such as cute Japanese nicknames, popular Japanese last names, cool Japanese surnames, to generate names that follow Japanese language and cultural rules.
  • Random Japanese name generator: Users can use the generator to randomly generate names that conform to Japanese language and cultural rules.
  • Custom generation: Users can input their own surnames and given names to generate names that follow Japanese language and cultural rules.
  • Japanese Last Names Meaning: The generator can not only generate names but also display the meaning and origin of the names, allowing users to better understand and utilize these names.

How to use Japanese Name Generator?

  1. Open the Japanese Name Generator playground page.
  2. Follow the page prompts to select the desired preset prompt.
  3. Enter your specific prompt.
  4. Click “Start” to begin generating.
  5. If you are not satisfied with the generated name, you can try modifying it and attempting again.

Japanese Name Generator has many other use cases. Please use it according to the specific scenario you require:

cute japanese nicknames
japanese last names male
japanese shop name ideas
japanese last names female


The generator uses common Japanese surnames and given names, as well as rules and patterns based on the Japanese language and culture to generate names. The generated names look very authentic, but it does not guarantee that all generated names exist in real life.

Yes, most Japanese Name Generators allow you to customize the input of surnames and given names to generate names.

The name meanings and origins provided by the Japanese Name Generator are based on some common Japanese language and cultural rules and patterns for interpretation, but it does not guarantee complete accuracy and comprehensiveness.